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20 health tips


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1. Eat a healthy diet

Eat a mix of foods like fruits, veggies, legumes, nuts, and whole grains. Adults should aim for at least five portions (400g) of fruits and veggies daily. You can boost your intake by adding veggies to meals, snacking on fresh fruits and veggies, and trying different types.

By choosing healthy foods, you lower your risk of diseases like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

2. Consume less salt and sugar

Filipinos eat too much sodium, which raises blood pressure risks. Most sodium comes from salt. Try to limit salt to 5g daily, or about one teaspoon.

Reduce salt by using less in cooking, avoiding salty snacks, and picking low-sodium products. Excess sugar harms teeth and weight. Adults and kids should eat less than 10% of their daily calories as free sugars.

WHO suggests even less for extra health perks. Cut down on sugary snacks, candies, and sweet drinks to lower sugar intake.

3. Reduce intake of harmful fats

Fats should make up less than 30% of your diet. This helps prevent weight gain and diseases. Choose unsaturated fats over saturated and trans-fats.

Unsaturated fats are in fish, avocado, and nuts, as well as sunflower, soybean, canola, and olive oils. Saturated fats are in fatty meats, butter, and oils like coconut. Trans-fats are in baked goods and snacks.

4. Avoid harmful use of alcohol

There’s no safe amount of alcohol. It can lead to mental disorders, diseases like liver cirrhosis, cancers, and heart issues. It also causes injuries from violence and accidents.

5. Don’t smoke

Smoking causes lung disease, heart disease, and stroke. It harms smokers and non-smokers alike. About 15.9 million Filipino adults smoke, but many want to quit.

If you smoke, quitting is possible. You’ll see health benefits right away and long-term. If you don’t smoke, don’t start. Fight for clean air.

6. Be active

Physical activity is any movement that uses energy. It includes exercise and daily activities. Adults need at least 150 minutes of moderate activity weekly.

For more benefits, increase this to 300 minutes. Stay active to improve your health.

7. Check your blood pressure regularly

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a silent killer. Many people with hypertension don’t know they have it because it has no symptoms. If not treated, it can cause heart, brain, and kidney diseases.

Have your blood pressure checked by a health worker regularly. If it’s high, get advice from a health worker. This is crucial for preventing and controlling hypertension.

8. Get tested

Getting tested for diseases like HIV, hepatitis B, STIs, and TB is important. These diseases can be serious if not treated. Knowing your status helps you prevent or treat them.

Visit a public or private health facility to get tested. It’s a step towards knowing your health status.

9. Get vaccinated

Vaccines are very effective in preventing diseases. They help your body fight off diseases like cervical cancer and measles. In the Philippines, free vaccines are given to children under 1 year old.

If you’re an adult, ask your doctor about getting vaccinated. They can check if you need any shots.

10. Practice safe sex

Safe sex is key to your health. It helps prevent HIV and other STIs. There are ways to protect yourself, like PrEP and condoms.

11. Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing

Diseases like influenza and TB spread through the air. When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth. Use a face mask or a tissue, then throw it away.

If you don’t have a tissue, use your elbow. This helps prevent the spread of diseases.

12. Prevent mosquito bites

Mosquitoes can spread deadly diseases like dengue and malaria. To protect yourself, wear light-coloured, long clothes and use insect repellent. If traveling to areas with mosquito-borne diseases, get vaccinated.

At home, use screens on windows and doors. Clean your area weekly to stop mosquitoes from breeding.

13. Follow traffic laws

Road crashes are a big problem worldwide. They can be prevented by following traffic laws. Always wear a seatbelt, helmet, and don’t drink and drive.

Don’t use your phone while driving. These steps help keep you and others safe on the road.

14. Drink only safe water

Drinking unsafe water can cause diseases like cholera and typhoid. At least 2 billion people drink water with faeces. Always check your water source with your water concessionaire.

In areas where you’re unsure, boil your water for a minute. This kills harmful organisms. Let it cool before drinking.

15. Breastfeed babies from 0 to 2 years and beyond

Breastfeeding is the best food for newborns. WHO says start breastfeeding within an hour of birth. It’s key for the first six months.

Continue breastfeeding up to two years and more. It’s good for both the baby and the mother. It lowers the risk of cancer and depression.

16. Talk to someone you trust if you’re feeling down

Depression affects over 260 million people. It can make you feel hopeless or worthless. If you’re feeling this way, you’re not alone.

Talk to a trusted person like a family member or mental health professional. If you’re in danger, call the National Center for Mental Health hotline at 0917-899-USAP (8727).

17. Take antibiotics only as prescribed

Antibiotic resistance is a big threat. Misuse makes infections harder to treat. Always take antibiotics only when a doctor prescribes them.

Complete the treatment as instructed. Never share antibiotics.

18. Clean your hands properly

Hand hygiene is key for everyone. Clean hands prevent the spread of illnesses. Wash your hands with soap and water when dirty.

Or use an alcohol-based handrub when you can’t wash your hands.

19. Prepare your food correctly

Unsafe food can cause many diseases. Check food labels or the produce itself for safety. Follow the Five Keys to Safer Food:

(1) keep clean; (2) separate raw and cooked; (3) cook thoroughly; (4) keep food at safe temperatures; and (5) use safe water and raw materials.

20. Have regular check-ups

Regular check-ups find health problems early. Health professionals can diagnose issues when treatment is most effective. Visit your nearest health facility for screenings and treatment.

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